END; echo "
"; echo "
"; if (($fid) && ($editid) && ($status=='save')) { $error=""; if ($textarea=="") { $error="Description is blank.
schedule not updated.

"; } if ($newenddate<$newstartdate) { $error="End date is before starting date. ($newenddate)
schedule not updated.

"; } if (strlen($newstartdate)<>10) { $error="Starting date appeared to be invalid. ($newstartdate)
schedule not updated.

"; } if (strlen($newenddate)<>10) { $error="End date appeared to be invalid. ($newenddate)
schedule not updated.

"; } if (!$error) { $update="update lerage_schedule set description='$textarea',Start_date='$newstartdate',End_date='$newenddate' where pid='$id' and pjob='$pjob' and Ident='$editid'"; $updaterec = mysql_query("$update") or $msg="Unable to update schedule, contact admin.
"; //if ($admin) print "$update
"; } else { $msg=$error; $status=""; } } if (($fid) && ($delid!="")) { $update="delete from lerage_schedule where pid='$id' and pjob='$pjob' and Ident='$delid'"; $updaterec = mysql_query("$update") or $msg="Unable to remove schedule, contact admin.
"; //print "$update
"; } if (($fid) && ($editid) && ($status!='save')) { if ($msg) { echo "$msg"; } echo "