"; } } if ($id) { $qry="select distinct subscribe_id,subscribe_job from $networktable where pid='$id' and pjob='$pjob' and subscribe_id!='0' and status='approved' order by `date` desc limit $start,$perpage"; $rec=SelectQry($qry); //$tqry="select distinct subscribe_id from $networktable where pid='$id' and subscribe_id!='0' and status='approved'"; $tqry="select distinct subscribe_id,subscribe_job from $networktable where pid='$id' and pjob='$pjob' and subscribe_id!='0' and status='approved'"; $trec=SelectQry($tqry); //print "$qry"; } if (($fid) && ($status=='add')) { $mycomment=trim($mycomment); if ($mycomment!='') { $mycomment=ereg_replace("\'","\\'",$mycomment); $insert="insert into $networktable (pid,pjob,MyPost,`date`,post_id,post_job,type,objectid) values ('$fid','$job','$mycomment','$current_datetime','$id','$pjob','$type','$objectid')"; print "$insert
"; // $insertrec = mysql_query("$insert") or $msg="Unable to insert post, contact admin.
"; if ($insertrec!='') { $msg="Comment successfully posted.
Click on your posted comment to edit."; } } else { $msg="Empty Post"; } } ?>

My Network ()

"; for($i=0;$i"; if ($prec[0]['Name']=='') { $pname=$prec[0]['Firstname'] . " " . $prec[0]['Lastname']; } else { $pname=$prec[0]['Name']; } if ($prec[0]['avatar']=='') { $avatar=""; } else { $avatarpath="/home/lerage/public_html/" . $jobpath[$job] . "/" . $prec[0]['Pagename'] . "/" . $prec[0]['avatar']; $avatar=$homepage . "/" . $jobpath[$job] . "/" . $prec[0]['Pagename'] . "/" . $prec[0]['avatar']; if (is_file($avatarpath)) { $avatar=""; } //if (is_file($avatarpath)) { $avatar=""; } else { $avatar=""; } } //$plink=$homepage . "/" . $head[$job] . "?id=" . $prec[0][$sid]; $plink=$homepage . "/profile.html?id=" . $prec[0][$sid] . "&pid=" . $job; if ($row<6) { print ""; print ""; $row++; } else { $row=1; print ""; print ""; print ""; $row++; } } if (count($trec)==1) { print ""; } else if (count($trec)==2) { print ""; } else if (count($trec)<6) { print ""; } ?>
$avatar" . ucfirst($pname) . "
$jobtitle[$job]"; if ($fid==$id) print "
$avatar" . ucfirst($pname) . "
$jobtitle[$job]"; if ($fid==$id) print "
"; if (count($trec)>18) { print ""; if ($start>0) { print ""; } if ($next"; } } exit; //include("PrivateComment.html"); ?> "; } ?>
start: $start next: $next Total: " . count($trec) . "